CAS Interviews
Over the course of your 2-year program, you will be meeting with your CAS Advisor (or CAS Coordinator) for at least three required interviews.
1st Interview: This is an informal discussion that should take place a week or two after school starts. The agenda will be about your initial plan for the year. This consultation is meant to help you get started with a balanced program of activities. You need to share your Year 1 Plan with your Advisor (or Coordinator) by publishing it on your blog.
2nd Interview: The second interview will be more structured than the 1st interview, although will still be conducted as an informal discussion. It can take place around mid- to late-2nd semester of Year 1, or at the beginning of Year 2. The aim of this second consultation is to take stock of the progress that you have made so far, and to aid you in identifying which of the 8 learning outcomes your activities have been touching on, and which outcomes have not yet been addressed.
3rd Interview: This is the final, or exit, interview of the program (comparable to an A1 oral exam for your other IB courses). It will be conducted as a formal dialogue between you and the Coordinator, which usually lasts for about 45 minutes to an hour. It is in this interview that you will be asked to talk about your experiences in CAS from a more holistic perspective. You should be able to present your body of work, highlighting the key activities and journals/reflections that show evidence of the development of the 8 learning outcomes of the program. You will need to publish your CAS Completion form and your Final CAS Essay on your blog before you can schedule an interview with your Advisor (or Coordinator). The exit interview will begin mid-April of the the second semester of Year 2.
1st Interview: This is an informal discussion that should take place a week or two after school starts. The agenda will be about your initial plan for the year. This consultation is meant to help you get started with a balanced program of activities. You need to share your Year 1 Plan with your Advisor (or Coordinator) by publishing it on your blog.
2nd Interview: The second interview will be more structured than the 1st interview, although will still be conducted as an informal discussion. It can take place around mid- to late-2nd semester of Year 1, or at the beginning of Year 2. The aim of this second consultation is to take stock of the progress that you have made so far, and to aid you in identifying which of the 8 learning outcomes your activities have been touching on, and which outcomes have not yet been addressed.
3rd Interview: This is the final, or exit, interview of the program (comparable to an A1 oral exam for your other IB courses). It will be conducted as a formal dialogue between you and the Coordinator, which usually lasts for about 45 minutes to an hour. It is in this interview that you will be asked to talk about your experiences in CAS from a more holistic perspective. You should be able to present your body of work, highlighting the key activities and journals/reflections that show evidence of the development of the 8 learning outcomes of the program. You will need to publish your CAS Completion form and your Final CAS Essay on your blog before you can schedule an interview with your Advisor (or Coordinator). The exit interview will begin mid-April of the the second semester of Year 2.